Tracking Methods
iOS (Objective-C)

Mixpanel SDKs: iOS (Objective-C)

Getting Started

Please refer to our Quickstart Guide.

The Full API Reference (opens in a new tab), Library Source Code (opens in a new tab), and an Example Application (opens in a new tab) is documented in our GitHub repo.

Sending Events

We recommend tracking only five to seven events in your application instead of tracking too many things to start. Ideally, you track users going through your initial user experience and one key metric that matters for your application (e.g. a video streaming service might choose "Watched Video" as a key metric).

Once you've initialized the library, you can track an event by calling track:properties: (opens in a new tab) with the event name and properties.

Mixpanel *mixpanel = [Mixpanel sharedInstance];
[mixpanel track:@"Plan selected"
     properties:@{ @"Plan": @"Premium" }];

Timing Events

You can track the time it took for an action to occur, such as an image upload or a comment post, using timeEvent: (opens in a new tab). This will mark the "start" of your action, which you can then finish with a track call. The time duration is then recorded in the "Duration" property.

Mixpanel *mixpanel = [Mixpanel sharedInstance];
[mixpanel timeEvent:@"Image Upload"];
[self uploadImageWithSuccessHandler:^{
    [mixpanel track:@"Image Upload"];

Super Properties

It's very common to have certain properties that you want to include with each event you send. Generally, these are things you know about the user rather than about a specific event—for example, the user's age, gender, or source.

To make things easier, you can register these properties as super properties. If you do, we will automatically include them with all tracked events. Super properties are saved to device storage, and will persist across invocations of your app. Mixpanel already stores some information as super properties by default; see a full list of Mixpanel default properties here.

To set super properties, call registerSuperProperties: (opens in a new tab)

// Send a "Plan: Mega" property will be sent
// with all future track calls.
[mixpanel registerSuperProperties:@{@"Plan": @"Mega"}];

Going forward, whenever you track an event, super properties will be included as properties. For instance, if you call:

[mixpanel track:@"Signup" properties:@{
    @"Source": @"Twitter"

after making the above call to registerSuperProperties: (opens in a new tab), it is just like adding the properties directly:

[mixpanel track:@"Signup" properties:@{
    @"Source": @"Twitter",
    @"Plan": @"Mega"

Setting Super Properties Only Once

If you want to store a super property only once (often for things like ad campaign or source), you can use registerSuperPropertiesOnce: (opens in a new tab). This function behaves like registerSuperProperties and has the same interface, but it doesn't override super properties you've already saved.

[mixpanel registerSuperPropertiesOnce:@{@"Source": @"ad-01"}];

This means that it's safe to call registerSuperPropertiesOnce: with the same property on every app load, and it will only set it if the super property doesn't exist.

Super Properties Live in Local Storage

Our mobile libraries store your super properties in local storage. They will persist so long as the app is installed (between launches and updates). Uninstalling the app will remove that customers super properties.

Managing User Identity

You can handle the identity of a user using the identify (opens in a new tab) and alias (opens in a new tab) methods. Proper use of these methods can connect events to the correct user as they move across devices, browsers, and other platforms.


Identify a user with a unique ID to track user activity across devices, tie a user to their events, and create a user profile. If you never call this method, unique visitors are tracked using a UUID that generates the first time they use the app.

Call identify when you know the identity of the current user, typically after log-in or sign-up. We recommend against using identify for anonymous visitors to your site.

// Ensure all future events sent from
// the device will have the distinctId 13793
[mixpanel identify:@"13793"];

Call Reset at Logout

Reset generates a new random distinct_id and clears super properties. Call reset to clear data attributed to a user when that user logs out. This allows you to handle multiple users on a single device. For more information about maintaining user identity, see the Identifying Users article.

Beginning with version v3.6.2, Mixpanel no longer uses the IFA(ID for Advertisers) but uses a randomly generated UUID as the default distinct ID instead. After you call reset, Mixpanel generates a new distinct_id.

If you want to use IFV(identifierForVendor) as the distinct_id, you can set MIXPANEL_UNIQUE_DISTINCT_ID=1 in build settings Preprocessor Macros on the Mixpanel framework target. After you call reset, the IFV will not change. However, when a user removes and then re-installs the app, the IFV will change with each installation.

Storing User Profiles

In addition to events, you can store user profiles in Mixpanel. Profiles are persistent sets of properties that describe a user—things like name, email address, and signup date.

You can use profiles to explore and segment users by who they are, rather than what they did.

Setting Profile Properties

You can set properties on a user profile with people.set: (opens in a new tab).

Updates to user profiles are queued on the device until identify (opens in a new tab) is called.

// Sets user 13793's "Plan" attribute to "Premium"
[mixpanel.people set:@{@"Plan": @"Premium"}];

This will set a "Plan" property, with a value "Premium", on user 13793's profile. If there isn't a profile with distinct_id 13793 in Mixpanel already, a new profile will be created. If user 13793 already has a property named "Plan" in their profile, the old value will be overwritten with "Premium".

Incrementing Numeric Properties

You can use people increment: (opens in a new tab) to change the current value of numeric properties. This is useful when you want to keep a running tally of things, such as games played, messages sent, or points earned.

// Here we increment the user's point count by 500.
[mixpanel.people increment:@"point count" by:@500];
// Pass an NSDictionary to increment multiple properties
[mixpanel.people increment:@{
    @"dollars spent": @17,
    @"credits remaining": @-34

Other Types of Profile Updates

There are a few other types of profile updates. To learn more, please review the full MixpanelPeople API documentation (opens in a new tab).

Tracking Revenue

Mixpanel makes it easy to analyze the revenue you earn from individual customers. By associating charges with user profiles, you can compare revenue across different customer segments and calculate things like lifetime value.

You can track a single transaction with people trackCharge: (opens in a new tab). This call will add transactions to the individual user profile, which will also be reflected in the Mixpanel Revenue report.

// Tracks $100.77 in revenue for user 13793
[mixpanel.people trackCharge:@(100.77)];
// Refund this user $50
[mixpanel.people trackCharge:@-50];
// Tracks $25 in revenue for user 13793 on the 2nd of
// January
[mixpanel.people trackCharge:@25 withProperties:@{
    @"$time": "2016-01-02T00:00:00"

Group Analytics

Mixpanel Group Analytics is a paid add-on that allows behavioral data analysis by selected groups, as opposed to individual users.

Grouping by identifiers other than the distinct_id will allow analysis at a company or group level when using Mixpanel analytics. Read this article to learn more about Group Analytics.

A group is identified by the group_key and group_id.

  • group_key is the property that connects event data for Group Analytics.
  • group_id is the identifier for a specific group.

If the property “company” is chosen for Group Analytics, “company” is the group_key, and “Mixpanel”, “Company A”, and “13254” are all potential group_id values.

A user can belong to multiple groups. All updates to a group operate on the group_key and group_id.

Creating a Group Key

Administer group keys through your Project Settings. Group keys are event properties. All events need to have a defined group key on them in order to be attributed to a group. Group keys are project specific, and the group key should be set up before group data is sent. Note that Mixpanel does not backfill historical data before the group key was implemented.

To administer group keys, navigate to your Project Settings. Click +Add Group Key under the GROUP KEYS section.

Creating Group Profiles

It is possible to create a Group profile that is similar to a user profile. You must call getGroup().set() (opens in a new tab) to build a group profile. It is important to the group_key, group_id, and one property so that the profile is not empty.

[[self.mixpanel getGroup:@"Company", groupID:@“Mixpanel”] set:@{@"h": @"yo”}];

Setting Group Profile Properties

You can add details to Groups by adding properties to them.

In order to update Group profile properties, you must specify the group that needs to be updated by calling getGroup():groupID() (opens in a new tab).

The getGroup():groupID() method can be chained with other commands that edit properties specific to the group.

You can set the property $name to populate the name field at the top of the group profile.

These operations are similar to the corresponding operations for user profile property updates.

[[self.mixpanel getGroup:@"Company", groupID:@“Mixpanel”] set:@{@"h": @"yo”}];

You can see other Group methods in the reference (opens in a new tab).

Debugging and Logging

You can turn on Mixpanel logging by setting the enableLogging flag

[Mixpanel sharedInstance].enableLogging = YES;

Alternatively, you can add the following Preprocessor Macros in Build Settings:

  • MIXPANEL_DEBUG=1 - logs queueing and flushing of events to Mixpanel
  • MIXPANEL_ERROR=1 - logs any errors related to connections or malformed events

If you're using CocoaPods, you'll need to add this to the Pod target instead of your main app project's target:


You can also add this to your Podfile to ensure everyone on your team will always have logging enabled:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      settings = config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS']
      settings = ['$(inherited)'] if settings.nil?
      if == 'Pods-MyProject-Mixpanel'
        settings << 'MIXPANEL_DEBUG=1'
        settings << 'MIXPANEL_ERROR=1'
      config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] = settings

EU Data Residency

Route data to Mixpanel's EU servers by setting the serverURL property after initializing the client.

self.mixpanel = [Mixpanel sharedInstanceWithToken:@"MIXPANEL_TOKEN" launchOptions:launchOptions];
self.mixpanel.serverURL = @"";


Avoid Objective-C primitives for property values because these non-object types cannot be placed in the NSDictionary for event and user profile properties.

Use NSString for strings, NSDate for dates, NSBool for booleans, NSArray for arrays, and NSNumber for numbers.

For dates, we recommend formatting as ISO8601 UTC dates: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss".

[Legacy] Automatically Tracked Events

Mixpanel's SDKs have a legacy feature to automatically collect common mobile events. We don't recommend enabling this, as these events rely on client-side state and can be unreliable.

Raw NameDisplay NameDescription
$ae_first_openFirst App OpenTracks the first time the user has opened the app. This event is retriggered if the user reinstalls the app or clears local storage. A user property First App Open Date ($ae_first_app_open_date) is tracked to indicate the date when app was first opened.
$ae_updatedApp UpdatedExecutes when a user updates the app from the previous version. A Version Updated ($ae_updated_version) property is tracked to store the new app version.
$ae_crashedApp CrashedExecutes when Mixpanel receives either an exception or a signal that indicated the app has crashed. A Crash Reason ($ae_crashed_reason) property is tracked to help identify the type of crash.
$ae_sessionApp SessionExecutes when a user spends more than 10 seconds in the app. A Session Length ($ae_session_length) property is tracked to reflect the number of seconds user spent in the session. In addition, there are two user properties tracked: Total App Sessions ($ae_total_app_sessions) and Total App Session Length ($ae_total_app_session_length).
$ae_iapIn App Purchase (IAP)Executes when a user conducts an in-app purchase through your app. Mixpanel provides three properties for this event: Product Name ($ae_iap_name), Product Quantity ($ae_iap_quantity), and Product Price ($ae_iap_price).

Release History

See All Releases (opens in a new tab).

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